Mobile Solutions: Navigation vs Service Verification

Written by Integrated Skills

Jul 29, 2024

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In Cab Technology, Waste Management

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Mobile software solutions for the municipal waste collection sector provide two main functions: navigation and service verification. Which is more useful will depend on local authority requirements, budgets and the areas served.

Here we’ll be discussing the effect of Simpler Recycling reforms and their bearing on your choice, exploring some the options available once the decision has been made, and discussing whether a choice needs to be made at all.

The Simpler Recycling Effect

The Simpler Recycling legislation laid out in October 2023 includes weekly kerbside food waste collections, as well as a unified set of rules for what residents, establishments and businesses can recycle at kerbside.

For local authorities, drivers and crew, this will most likely mean:

  • Higher rates of contamination in bins
  • New routes for drivers to learn
  • New disposal sites to be reached
  • Variable, unpredictable participation rates

Alongside continuing issues with funding, the municipal waste collection industry will be scrambling to tackle these new issues. Fleets not yet furnished with in-cab mobile software solutions are likely to struggle enormously.

How Can In-Cab Technology Help?

In-cab software can help to alleviate the usual problems experienced by crews, as well as arming them with the tools they need to face these new challenges head on. Residents can also benefit; receiving real-time updates regarding any service interruptions.

Benefit number one is service verification. Drivers and crew can report any issues with collections in real time, feeding that information back to staff who can inform affected residents. This is cost-effective, accurate solution that allows all information to be collected during the driver’s round.

Exception reporting is another valuable tool. This allows drivers to alert support staff if a bin can’t be collected due to contamination, the resident forgetting to leave it on the kerb or for any other reason. Again, this information can then be used to alert residents as well as the contact centre team who can deal with resident enquires at first point of contact.

Navigation is key, but it will become even more important as routes evolve to enable the new requirements. In-cab route guidance minimises errors, corrects missteps quickly and allows for easy direction to new disposal sites. Many software options also allow for driver alerts- making them aware of assisted collections, tricky parking exceptions and previously overlooked bins.

Safety is also enhanced by in-cab systems. Waste collection can be high-risk, with extra precautions needed around schools and public buildings, and risky infrastructure such as blind corners and low bridges posing a risk to crews and vehicles. Warnings can be incorporated into the route maps, making the route far safer for all involved.

Navigation vs Service Verification

Many of the software solutions on the market offer one or the other or are heavily weighted to one side. Choosing the right option for your fleet will come down to the needs of your drivers, crew and residents.

Navigation software can reduce errors, minimise fuel costs and maximise output. If you’re experiencing issues with accuracy and efficiency, this may be your go-to. Exception reporting is also invaluable in terms of correcting errors and keeping residents informed.

In-cab service verification results in more accurate data reporting, and a better service for your residents. This is especially key for those paying directly for your services. Garden waste collections and trade waste clients likely expect a certain level of service. That service could be greatly improved by real-time communication regarding any missed collections due to road closures, mechanical failures or contamination issues. If issues aren’t dealt with appropriately, business could easily take their trade contracts elsewhere.

In-Cab Navigation Integrated Skills

Our Solution: SmartSuite Waste Management Software

Thankfully, we’ve created a software “all-rounder”. Our SmartSuite Mobile software gives you navigation, exception reporting and service verification, all in one, in-cab solution.

SmartSuite Mobile is one arm of our over-arching SmartSuite offering which enables local authorities to manage their:

  • Waste
  • Recycling
  • Street cleansing
  • Gully emptying
  • Winter maintenance
  • Any related services

SmartSuite acts as the “single source of truth”, allowing the efficient, safe and resilient management of the entire system. All services are managed from a single, map-based platform that enables teams to track day-to-day activities in real time. They can make instant and effective operational decisions, as well as viewing service history.

Customer Service Integrated Skills

Our solutions have a positive impact authority-wide, enabling a better working life and real-world impact for:

  • Drivers and crews
  • Supervisors
  • Service/Ops/Transport Managers
  • Performance Managers
  • CRM Teams
  • Digital Transformation Leaders
  • Recycling Officers
  • Net Zero Action Plan Teams
  • Elected Members
  • IT and Security
  • Trade Waste Officers
  • Finance Directors
  • Residents

A client of ours, Mark Mohun, Business Analyst at Newcastle City Council, gave us his feedback regarding ISL’s in-cab solutions:

“We can send out any driver on any route and know that it is being covered properly, and actually have the system tell us what the status is of any particular route. If a section is missed the driver is guided back to complete it unless he inputs data explaining why it is not possible to cover that section. We can also update the routes as the road system changes and as our winter equipment profile changes.”


Depending on your requirements, service verification maybe more important than navigation, or vice-versa. However, when you have a product like SmartSuite Mobile, you don’t need to make that choice – you get the best of both in a unified, in-cab solution.

If you’d like to hear more about the solutions we offer, either get in touch or come and have a chat with us in person. We’re exhibiting at the Resource and Waste Management Expo in September and we’d love to chat things over.

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